Are you really Ready???

If Jesus were to physically come to your house to visit you right now in a split second, how would you respond? If you compared yourself to Martha and Mary in the holy scriptures who would you be? It doesnt matter if your male or female…You would do either be one or the other… Would you do everything you could to serve him and make him comfortable? Or would you be content in knowing He was there with you? How would you entertain him if He was literally a guest in your home? When I contemplate that I get kinda concerned… I am very quiet natured and don't talk a whole lot around people. Yes I am ready for him to return but no one knows just when tht trumpet will sound on his arrival to this earth… To be honest I don't know what I would do if I was not aware that He was coming to stay with me? I would not be prepared if He showed up out of the blue! What about you? What would He want us to say and how would He want us to act in one split second is very different than knowing of h...