
Showing posts from January, 2023

To Those without Hope

I want to write to those tonight who have no hope or lost it. what exactly is hope and how can be keep it going?  Hope is a spiritual realization for a bleak situation. It is the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. It is so easy to get a gloom and doom mentality looking at everything around us in this world. The enemy of our soul which is the devil, can throw a multitude of negatives thoughts our way making us to make have a big pity party and how that we should leave the faith. Do you even feel like just giving up? I Know I do. To be honest every day we have to face this world which can be pretty daunting if we dont have the correct perspective. So where does that hope fit into the picture? I know it is all very true quote that no man is an island unto himself.   When I isolate which I do a lot of, is when I get hopeless.  We were created with a need for each other in Christ.  When our brother or sister is down then we should come along to lift them up! Hope sparks more hope just