
Showing posts from May, 2024

There is A "Finally!"

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your and minds through Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7 FiveMinuteFriday Even as believers we are not prone to have anxious thoughts is what Paul is saying here in the holy scriptures.  As humans, our tendency is to worry and not live in the present.  I do not know about you, but I have spent many endless nights tossing and turning over insignificant things. I don't have to make a list here I am sure you have one.  We all do. This scripture gives me hope and lets me know what I need to be praying for! Those things we are anxious about should be at the top of our prayer list. We can bring all our worries to God. Nothing is too small or insignificant for God to handle.  The devil is the one who wants us to be anxious and worry ourselves into panic attacks!! Those things we are stressing abo


FiveMinuteFriday One day the time will come when we breathe our last breath and close our eyes one last time...There is nothing we can do to stop that.  It is just one fact of life we all have to deal with. Death is inevitable, it will happen we can be sure of that. We cannot avoid it. Someday that door will open, and we will close the door to this life we now live... Are you ready for that "someday?"  The fact is that we are not guaranteed tomorrow. we should at all costs live each day as if it was our last day. If you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that tomorrow was your last day to live on this earth, how would you do things differently or would you be content with the life you have lived up until this point?   As for me, I have always had a belief that there is a heaven and a hell.  I had a born-again experience at the age of eighteen.   It was after a very convicting church service. I had grown up in that church and was going through all the motions; but something signi

It's High Time to Trust GOD!

God is definitely not finished with you.  He has a purpose and destiny for you. "Yes, a plan for even You!"  It does not matter what age you are or what you have been through...even if your life feels as if it is a big mess-up.   Have you given all and just have given up on this life? Do you answer yes or no here?  This message is for those who have given up! For those who answered yes to this very pertinent question! The enemy of our soul, the devil, has great plans for your destruction, for he is out to win the war over your soul.  He does not want your life to move forward.  He doesn't want to see you precede to be happy or experience some real joy! He wants to snuff out the light within you. Has he done it? Have you gone too far away? Do you feel distant from Abba God in heaven? Maybe you feel like a lost cause. Have you allowed the devil to win the battle? All you are living for is the day you die.  You see, Satan knows what buttons to push and  pulls our all our tri

All things

FiveMinuteFriday "And we know that GOD causes all things to work together for the good to those who love GOD, to those who are called according to His purpose."   Romans 8:28 Notice in this scripture passage, that GOD did not say "some" things. At times some bad things may damper our perspective if we are looking at them all the time. What are the things this verse is talking about? I believe it is talking about all circumstances and situations that rise in our lifetime... You see, "everything" that happens in your life whether good or bad, may not seem like there are not in conjunction with each other.  In actually, they really are working out for the best; "our best."   Do you love GOD? If we know Him, we do learn to love him no matter what! and He longs to lavish us with His love! God wants us to be the best version of ourselves that we can be. Bad things happen in this life that could cause us to sink in depression and despair. Do we keep loo