
Showing posts from July, 2020

Season of Apathy

This morning I felt the need to really examine my walk with the Lord Jesus. I must confess there are some things in my life at this time that I needed to face and deal with, especially my apathy toward GOD over the last several months. I know my actions grieved His Holy Spirit.  I got my heart right and repented before God today.  I erected several old idols in my life over the last several Covid months that were not healthy for my spiritual walk in Christ Jesus. The first thing I did was listen to some worship songs.  His worship came alive in my heart once again. He has touched me greatly through that this morning with His special anointing as I kneeled in my living room and poured out my heart to HIM. I can not put all the songs on this blog, maybe I will just one and the rest will be posted on my FB. God does speak intimately and always through worshipping Him.  He always has for me. I believe I have been spiritually cleansed by the blood of Jesus. It is truly my...

Getting Back in Step with His Spirit

I thought I would say Hi to everyone and let you all know how I am doing instead of the usual FB post. Yes this is a different blog that I created many months ago when I was having so much trouble posting over there. When the Corona hit the US and especially Arkansas, it threw me for a tailspin. I am a writer at heart so I love my now peaceful existence. I  love the solitude and I know God speaks to me in my quiet moments with HIM. My biggest struggle has been isolating in the past.  In the past withdrawing has caused me to have several breakdowns. I haven't had a mental breakdown or anything, its just been very tough to break though that barrier of isolation. I have been distraught and hopeless. It is tough starting over from scratch. Some of you know what I am talking about some don't and that's fine.  I am believing that God will help me rebuild what has been torn down. Do I  believe that God can restore after the mess I have made with my life??  Absolutely I...