Season of Apathy
This morning I felt the need to really examine my walk with the Lord Jesus. I must confess there are some things in my life at this time that I needed to face and deal with, especially my apathy toward GOD over the last several months. I know my actions grieved His Holy Spirit. I got my heart right and repented before God today. I erected several old idols in my life over the last several Covid months that were not healthy for my spiritual walk in Christ Jesus. The first thing I did was listen to some worship songs. His worship came alive in my heart once again. He has touched me greatly through that this morning with His special anointing as I kneeled in my living room and poured out my heart to HIM. I can not put all the songs on this blog, maybe I will just one and the rest will be posted on my FB. God does speak intimately and always through worshipping Him. He always has for me. I believe I have been spiritually cleansed by the blood of Jesus. It is truly my...