A Little Witchy

The house next door looked distinguished and eerie. It was the only house on the block that was two-story. It was Victorian style, seeming as if it were transported from somewhere back in time. The yard was unkempt with ivy vines that climbed the outside of the house. Bobby's spine tingled; continuing to stare, he knew that this house was haunted. His family was new to this neighborhood. He was seven; his little sister Lucy had just turned four. Before sunset, Bobby decided to get Lucy from the toy room to show her the ‘evidence.’ “Come and look, Lucy.” She proceeded to follow Bobby to the large window in the dining room. In amazement and fear, walking across the front lawn of the old house, they saw a witch. She wore a tall black hat, a black coat; slightly bent-over as she walked with her cane. She even had two black cats following her. “What more proof do you need Lucy? My friend Billy from across the street told me that she was a mean old witch who screamed at his friends when ...