Facing the Hard Things

I have not written a blog in over a month. It is as if I have lost my inspiration to write, but I know this is where the good Lord Jesus has me right now in this season of my life. He has not left my side I know, but in some ways I have left His side though, and not put him in first place.  I am working on that now. 

I have to learn to look out for those triggers that make me fall back into carnality. Maybe areas that the Holy Spirit desires me to work on that I deem as  mountains in my life that difficult and hard to overcome. I keep giving up and getting my eyes off Jesus and onto my weak flesh that we all have. That makes for a miserable existence believe me I know.  My flesh can NOT do it, but MY GOD can do it through me, as I submit to the hope of GLORY!!!

I sense the Lord is wanting even a deeper walk for me, but I have not been able to...mainly because of those hard things I need to face...and overcome...without getting tripped up by my flesh.  

Maybe some of you can relate to what I am saying here. I deliberately put the first part of this blog into first person because the main person I need to preach to is myself and what is really bothering me and it is!!!

We all have to speak to our mountains and until we get the body-the flesh-under subjection to the Word of God through the Holy Spirit, we will lead a very discouraged and miserable Christian life. There will be times when we will HAVE TO face hard situations. We have to learn to walk in the Holy Spirit and to crucify the flesh!!

The flesh can be a mountain to us and until we face it and overcome and make it under subjection, we will not be able to live a fruitful life!!!

Thank GOD for HIS MERCY AND GRACE....what I mean is we need to be thankful that HE has not given up on us, and He never turns his back on us, but He desires give us abundant life! You can do this and frankly I can too.


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