Slammed Doors

“When you say that a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God.” This is a quote from Charles L. Allen that I posted back years ago on Facebook. Instead of just re-sharing the quote I felt lead to write a blog post about it. What is God speaking and are you really listening? What would Jesus do?” There have been times in my life where I know for a fact that “people” slammed the door in my face and gave up on me. They seen me as a hopeless case, a lost cause… that I would never amount to anything or change or even you might say ‘grow up!’ For me though, change started where? In my mind…It looks many years to be transformed by the renewing of my mind by the Word of God….what does that mean you say?? I finally allowed God to redefine me. I grew up to the point that I didn’t care what people thought, but….this is the important part of this whole message…. “I made the choice and decided to think about what God thought about me MO...