Slammed Doors


“When you say that a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God.”

This is a quote from Charles L. Allen that I posted back years ago on Facebook. Instead of just re-sharing the quote I felt lead to write a blog post about it.

What is God speaking and are you really listening?

What would Jesus do?”

There have been times in my life where I know for a fact that “people” slammed the door in my face and gave up on me. They seen me as a hopeless case, a lost cause… that I would never amount to anything or change or even you might say ‘grow up!’

For me though, change started where?  In my mind…It looks many years to be transformed by the renewing of my mind by the Word of God….what does that mean you say??  I finally allowed God to redefine me.  I grew up to the point that I didn’t care what people thought, but….this is the important part of this whole message….

“I made the choice and decided to think about what God thought about me MORE THAN what even others thought about me!”  It was a revolutionary awakening in my life!!!  I quit having the pity parties and starting working on who God has made me to be!!!

I always known that I am very much a important member or part of the body of Christ and I have a distinct calling on my life. I knew that I had gifts that other people needed to see pouring out of my heart. I always knew that, but because I was so timid and quiet and inhibited and VERY paranoid as well as withdrawn, I allowed myself to be bullied  by a lot of people. I really tried too hard to respect those others but never stood up for Richard!! 

I think that a part of me believed I would never ever make it in life. I always have a dread that I would not live a very long life. I didn’t think I would reach the age of 30 and now I am 56 years old. I was a very bruised reed and smoldering wick. But PRAISE GOD!!! He never gave up on me, Hallelujah!!! Some people shut the door in my face in attempting to mentor and help me find my place in life and in the body of Christ. It was if the grace ran out and was emptied from their hearts!   I am so thankful Jesus seen deep inside my heart and still continued to pour out His amazing grace!!!

He has redefined my life and He told me that I had a great purpose for living. He has restored my Spirit and helped me to mature in Christ Jesus. I know its not all about RICHARD. I desire to give my life away as a living sacrifice and worthy of God’s grace and glory and ALL His promises are YES and AMEN in my life!!!!

Maybe YOU feel like GOD has SLAMMED the Door in your face. When you are put in that place, I know how it feels and it is a very sorrowful and discouraging when you feel like GOD has given up on you….when in actuality HE really hasn’t… I can tell you its more about the person who did the slamming.

I just do not believe that a situation or person is hopeless, because I  have been there many times. I just don’t understand how some people can lose the grace or allow themselves to think that it is a person that is draining them??? They need to deal with that demon in the prayer closet, and not lose sight of the person that God has set in front of them to minister to them….if the roles were reversed how would that person respond?

I really got on my soapbox this time! I wanted to just let YOU know, when it feels like people have slammed the door in YOUR face, that I have been there. I have faith and hope that you will find God’s grace!!! Do what you can to yield to His HOLY SPIRIT and if people quit on you?  Never ever forget this fact….”God will NEVER give up on you. God will never slam the door in your face!!!”

Sometimes along the way in your life, doors will open and doors will close.  I am not saying that you will never be hurt or get your feelings hurt. I am saying as you yield your heart to the Holy Spirit, He will help you bounce back, he will help you fight back in the spiritual realm. You have been given the authority in Jesus Christ to slam the door in the face of your true adversary.  Jesus has given you the keys to open doors and lock doors in your own life! He has a destiny and purpose and plan for you in God’s Kingdom. You are just as much a part of the body of Christ. You have gifts to give other people. That same gift God gave you through the yielding to the Holy Spirit.

Father in Heaven, I pray for bruised reeds and smoldering wicks to be restored and rekindled by the grace of GOD in the name of Jesus by the awesome power of the HOLY SPIRIT!  Come Holy Spirit and minister your healing balm to you right now… who have felt as if a door has been slammed in their face. God, Your FATHER just is NOT a rude like that! I pray decree and believe in faith for restoration, healing, hope and faith that will move all YOUR mountains, IN JESUS’ Name AMEN.


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