Learning to Really Listen

 I could never write about something I have not experienced myself. In all of my fiction and nonfiction writings there is something I cannot get away from and that is a ray of truth and that truth is Jesus Christ. I love HIM more now that ever.

Before I get heavily involved with what happened this morning I want to tell you about a awesome devotional called First15. This morning and for the next several days, the author is speaking on ways to hear the voice of GOD speak to you. The first in this weekly series is called GOD SPEAKS. First15 has a free app in the app store that you can download directly on your IPhones.

I have it on my phone and you can get alerts or notifications that will let you know when its ready for you on that day. I love this app. But this morning when I read it….ahh lets just say I will never be the same!!! There is a section in the app called PRAYER time. Just a tid bit here for all you nice and wonderful readers. Here are the three points of focus in listening to GOD:

1. Take time to quiet your soul.

2. Listen.

3. Now thank God for speaking.

Number 2…..Listen is where GOD got me good! I have been praying over my family and pleading the blood of Jesus and over this nation and over the areas where my extended family lives. Well today I inclined my ear to listen and hear and GOD spoke to me through the HOLY SPIRIT!!

I can get very quiet at times when I am around other people I do not know really well, but I’m not quiet when it comes to praying in my prayer closet which is a whole apartment at this time of my single life. Ha!

In fact The Holy Spirit started out by telling me that it is HE who applies the blood. We can plead the blood of Jesus Christ but only the HOLY SPIRIT can delicately apply the blood to our hearts. He got my direct attention. For the first time in a very long time over that next hour we actually were able to have a two way dialog just like I was talking to someone right in my living room.

See, we think we have to do all praying all the time, but in my case because of my turmoiled past I have learned not to listen….I have had to deal with mental illness in my life. In certain periods and seasons I have listened to the wrong voices. I had to go through the very difficult process of shutting those voices down by ignoring all voicesI went through a very difficult few last seasons of my life going through that deliverance…Forgiving me Father for ignoring the voice of your HOLY SPIRIT! I grieved HIM and I repent for doing that!

Finally after that hour of two way dialog this morning, I asked the HOLY SPIRIT what God really thinks of me. You know what HE told me? Your one of HIS best friends….WOW. That really touched me!!!

A few hours before this happened last night I talked to my best friend who lives in Arizona. We had a really great talk last night; me and my great friend Matt. I never had a best friend before that I could really relax and enjoy each others company and talk for hours. GOD wants to be our best friend too! HE GREATLY wants to have a two way dialog with you through the person of the HOLY SPIRIT. He doesn’t want to have to get our attention.

He just wants us to have “a heart to hear with ears to listen,”…When He speaks!!!

Have you ever had a best friend? Maybe a buddy you grew up with, or even a marriage partner??? What about a friend that sticks closer than a brother???

MORE THAN EVER do we need a relationship with GOD through making Jesus the LORD and Savior of our hearts and lives. In this day and age its very rare to have a earthly best friend. A one on one dialog with GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT is very healthy balance for your spiritual walk. There are a lot of voices out there. but only one voice speaks the truth!!! I pray for everyone reading this right now. Help them to not listen to every other voice BUT only the voice of GOD through the HOLY SPIRIT, in the great name of Jesus AMEN.

That’s the one I finally,after a long time, learned to listen to today.

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. Jeremiah 33:3


May God’s great love and grace be with you all and within you today.

Richard T Hicks


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