Take the ROPE...

 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Have you ever felt despair and at the end of your rope? I have been there, more often times than I care to admit.  But we do not serve a god of despondency.  Life does not go from one pity party after another....holding onto hopelessness is clutching onto ones self and not letting go of that rope.  For that is holding on to insecurities that make us feel sorry for ourselves

No one wants to be around someone who continually feels sorry for themselves and their sore soul life, In fact a heart full of pity will drain another person dry of all energy. Its no wonder in the past people felt repelled to be around me, plus I was a negative Norman to top it off. What are you allowing to fill you up? I would hope that you would be full of the HOLY SPIRIT!!!

Saying all this I want to say that we  do not serve a GOD who feels sorry for our situations that we get ourselves in. He is not a harsh GOD, but I sense that HE sends people our way who do not take no slack. Do not get me wrong, He is a GOD of all hope. But He wants  us to wake up from that pity feast and get on fire for him!!! Do not gieve the HOLY SPIRIT!!!

God is throwing you a rope of hope this day. He wants to get you out of that despair. He wants to see that He is that light at the end of the tunnel. We have got to hold on to that hope by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.

GOD has more than enough hope for us all...We have got to believe that.

 There is power in believing that GOD can...When we give up hope we are saying that GOD is not able to help us, and any time we feel sorry for ourselves we are playing into the hand of the devil. For satan wants us to be negative and to not give GOD the glory by humbly counting our many blessings.

Father God, please give me hope to believe in YOU, and believe that you have abundant life for me by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Please help me to stop feeling sorry for myself, and to get my eyes totally upon your saving grace to make Jesus not only my Savior but my Lord as well...Forgive my for walking in selfishness. Help me to minister that hope to those around me in Jesus mighty name, AMEN!!!


  1. This is excellent, Richard! So inspiring as your writing always is! So glad you have had victory!

    1. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. God has done some great things in my life. I can only give HIM the glory!


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