Take UP Your CROSS...


I have been through some major things in my life.  It has not been easy at all.  There have many times when I stopped caring and gave in and gave up.  That didn’t make my suffering stop. If anything, it made matters worse.  More than likely prolonging my season of suffering. 

A lot of times we don’t understand our suffering.  We take it out on God and everyone around us and don’t understand why we are going through it and God doesn’t seem to be around…

God does not turn His back from us.  We may turn our back on Him time after time.  And then we wonder why we are going through what we have?  He turns us over to our own devices and then we wonder why we are in the same rut over and over again.

Jesus greatly suffered at His crucifixion.  He could have easily called on legions of heaven’s angels.  Where would we be right now if Jesus took an easy way out? Not where we are, that is for sure!

God has not forgotten nor forsaken your suffering.  He sees it. He is omnipresent meaning He is everywhere all the time…. Good times and bad times.  Where in the good book does it say life is going to be easy? 

You can’t get around suffering.  There is no easy way out of anything. We suffer from the consequences of the sins of Adam and Eve.  Yes, it goes back through many generations of sinfulness. 

Jesus can and will walk with you through your suffering if you will allow Him too.  He will take your hand because He has been right where you are.  We all have our crosses to bear. 

I have been through so much crap it’s not even funny.  What about you?  Are you going to submit the Holy Spirit or not?  You cannot go it alone...He will make your cross more bearable.  You know that Jesus lasted as long as He possibly could on that cross. Look upon that cross right now. Do you see Him crucified?  He bled and suffered and then died for you and me making a way for us to come to the Holy Father. 

The theme of this writing if you haven’t noticed yet, is that God will help you make it “through.” Whatever you are facing right now.  One day you will be on the other side of everything you have suffered just like Job in the Bible.  If not on this earth, then in heaven. 

The next time you are moaning and complaining... consider what Jesus did for you and how He suffered, and the anguish He went through just to redeem and deliver you!  Cry out to Him.  Reach out and take his strong hand.  You can lean all the heavy burdens upon him.  He loves you sooo muchhh!!!  He will carry you and take off your yoke of sin as you learn to lean every weight on you upon Jesus Christ!!!


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