Getting Back into The Grace

These are the days we need to be seeking Jesus. We should come into His holy presence daily. I pray that we come into a revelation knowledge of His reality. He is not a God of long ago...The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob is as much as our GOD Today.  The scriptures say that He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.  Are we serving the same God?  There are so many little gods out there, but there is one true and holy and righteous GOD. He not only created this world He created each of us as well. How can someone turn away and hate Him?  I do not understand that. Today I want to encourage you to turn to Him letting go of every burden and bitterness toward Him and others in the world...It is high time we give Him our whole heart and soul stepping into His awesome grace...His grace like a river washing our souls clean. Lets get into that grace that flows free. The river of God has not went dry...we may have stepped away but His Living Water still flows free. Dont just wade in the water jump in the deep end of His everlasting grace and be drenched of His newness.

I am praying for you to be renewed and refreshed in the reality of His grace and mercy this day in the name of Jesus


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