A-Z Writing Challenge (Stand)

 Hello good people!!! Here I am with another blog entry for the A-Z Writing Challenge. The word for today is “Stand!”   

I know I do not remember as a one or two year old little boy my first step as a baby. My parents taught me how to walk. I would stumble at times I am sure but slowly and steadily I balanced my self to take that first “Stand.”  

I know that was a exciting day for my mom and dad!!! They trained me to walk. It was not a instantaneous one time thing. 

Have you ever seen a young kid walk on their own without any help?  I can assure you have not seen it.   

Just like a earthly parent is our Abba in Heaven when we are a baby Christian…We don’t start off walking but we are in training mode at a certain age. Just like in real life we learn to take steps just like a toddler.

I want to talk more now about standing up when we fall….In your faith you are standing firm 2 Corinthians 1:24 …Stand by your faith…Romans 11:20. 

The only way we can learn to walk as mature Believers I hate to say is by standing up when we fall into sin. That is when satan whispers to us in our darkest night. 

Does God seem distant when you fall into sin? At some point I do think God stands a stone’s throw away at a distance to see what we will do not only when we get tempted but also when we fall. HE wants to see how long it takes before we “stand” back up. 

The longer we wallow in the flesh the harder it is to stand back up If are held down by habitual sin.  We are to walk by faith and not by sight according to the scriptures.

Deliverance can be a desired and beautiful thing!! We make it into some type of horror movie.  It is a beautiful process that may take some years to transpire. It is like peeling the layers of a onion…

The scriptures speaks that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, I think that scripture is in Romans chapter 6.  We have to be mature enough to get rid back up no matter what!!  No matter how many times we fall. That is the true sign of a mature believer.  

If you can show me in the scriptures where it says being a Christian is easy speak up and show me. There are awesome times we can have in the Presence of the Lord!! I am not saying there are not good times. 

But for the most part being a Christian takes a lot of hard work….We spend more time on our knees repenting and asking forgiveness.   

We must learn to get our bearings and balance and take a stand before we can really walk by faith in the Holy Spirit. There is joy in keeping in step with God’s Spirit!!! A true mature believer does not stay down but he picks hisself up fast and doesn’t stay down very long..

My Dear Jesus help us as believers to not wallow in self defeat. Help us to rise up, taking a firm stand by faith, as we keep walking in God’s will for our lives. For its not Your will for any of us to wallow in self pity feeling sorry for ourselves when we fall into sin. Help us please to be vigilant against sin we ask and pray in the name of Jesus, AMEN!!!


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