A-Z Writing Challenge -Trust-

 Hello and greetings to you all. Hope you are having a exceptional awesome day in Jesus. Today is letter T in my A-Z Writing Challenge. The word for today is “Trust.”  

Trust is defined as a confident reliance or resting of mind on a significant friendship or relationship.  

Trust in the Lord forever, For in God the Lord, we have a everlasting rock. Isaiah 26:4 

It can be very difficult to trust in just anyone. If you can find someone to trust in this world it is very rare.  I would advise you to hold onto them.  

When we go back on our word to another person, it can cause us to not trust that person. It may talk a long period of time to regain that trust.  

We serve a God who does not break His promises to us. For He who calls us is faithful. He will never leave or forsake us!!  We can leave on His word in the scriptures!  Every word is God-breathed and inspired of the Holy Spirit!!

People are carnal and can fail us all the time but  God will never fail.  We can put our whole heart into his care.  Will there be times of sorrow and suffering in Jesus?  Most definitely a resounding YES.  

The devil in those times will enchant us to get our focus off of Jesus and to not trust him in bad times.  We cannot trust what a real enemy says. He will lie to us.  

We have to have wisdom to know when the devil is whispering to our minds. The word of God is very plain!!!  We can put our complete trust in the one who loves our souls.  He will not lead us wrong.

Dear Jesus, help us trust you in good times and bad. We allow your Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. Put us around people who we can trust.  Help us where that trust has been destroyed.  Let us keep our eyes on you through it all.


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