Pruning Season

Have you ever gone through a season of spiritual pruning as a believer in Jesus?

 I have and didn’t know what was going on.  When you go through something of that nature,  it is very easy to give up on God.  He does not want us to do that. He wants us to remain steadfast as He cuts those things out of our lives that are not bearing fruit.  He wants us to endure through that pruning as painful as that is at times…

God wants you to know he is not trying to punish or harm you.  He is pruning you to make you more fruitful. We should see pruning as a reward to improve our lives. 

 If we want to be fruit bearers, we will go through seasons where ou great Vinedresser prunes back the branches not producing fruit.  

He prunes everyone who abides in Jesus to enable us to bear new fruit enhancing spiritual growth.  

God is the master gardener who prunes unproductive things from the lives of his children.   So yes, any branch that does not produce fruit will be removed from your life.  

He will remove those things that hinder our fruitfulness.  He wants to make us more like Jesus.

I myself have been going through a season of pruning especially with my writing especially.  It just has not flowed. I think we have to be very careful because of new age can lurk into our hearts.  

The devil has come into the church deceiving the very elect.  As believers we cannot be foolish.  Satan is out to confuse the bride of Jesus and ultimately destroy her. We live in a day and age where we need discernment and righteous judgement. 

I tend to shrink back when it comes to being judgemental. But aren’t we as believers supposed to judge sin?  

God can use practically anything to prune us.  Even my blogging yes, and other things in my life as well. 

I’m not sure how my blog will be affected by this pruning. I sense the leading me to be more scripture focused and following the lines closer to that for now.   I am a worshipper that is very apparent in my past writings for last year. This year will be more focused on scriptural foundations.  


  1. I believe your blog is very good and I pray that especially those who are going through pruning themselves will read it!


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