Not in a Hurry

A flower does not get in a hurry.  It takes its time to grow and bloom in beautiful and intrinsic ways.

Just like us as believers we do not instantly bloom.  We  may start as a seed. 

We want to be in such a hurry but it takes grace to be patient….and trust too.

 It takes time and space to grow. Lots of tender loving care. 

 We shouldn’t worry about blooming for our time will come without one worry how we will turn out …

Dear Jesus,  help me I pray to not be in a hurry or to compare my heart to to anyone else for in due time we will flourish and bloom like the red rose 🌹 on a sunny spring day…Amen.




  1. I don't worry 'bout my threads
    although Barb says clothes make the man,
    and that she just really dreads
    when in church I up and stand
    in cargo shorts and muscle shirt,
    an oddity 'mongst all the suits,
    and that they might bring the hurt
    that their flaming eyes impute.
    But I laugh, shoot 'em a smile
    that say that I yam what I yam
    (remember, that was Popeye's style,
    and you may guess I'm quite the ham),
    and while I may not dress the part,
    Jesus lives within my heart.

    1. Thank you for this Andrew.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you and may God bless you richly in Jesus name!

    2. I’m new at this. It took me 15 minutes to compose my first post.


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