Without Blame


Jesus is not some mystical force or ghostly apparition.   He is just as much a person like you and me.  He was sent to this earth by God and conceived by the Holy Spirit.  

He was born as a baby and grew into the anointed Jesus of Nazareth.  He is the Son of God in the Trinity.  

Just because you have never seen him in person does not mean that he is not real.   He is a person of the trinity.  He’s separate yet the same God.  We must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. 

If we don’t believe that He is the Son of God sent to the earth to redeem us from our sins we are in grave danger of spending eternity in hell.   

He took all the blame for our sinful actions.  He became the ultimate scapegoat so that our sins will be wiped away…

Heaven and hell is very real!   When we die we will go there!  I want to see you there in heaven…

The choice is ultimately yours.  Jesus will come back to this earth some day.

I encourage everyone to let Him into your heart and make him Lord.  He can take away all your sins and cleanse your conscience from all dead works. 


  1. Very real indeed, and yes, the concern for the lost is to just take a look you know? Can we help others take that look? FMF14

  2. Wonderful thoughts especially as we are approaching Easter and reflecting on what Christ did for us.

  3. Today on Good friday, we remember - 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.' He paid the price and still intercedes on our behalf.


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