G is for Grace


God’s grace is good.  That doesn’t mean we can get away with our sins.  What it does mean is that we don’t have to sin anymore.  

As a true born again believer sins curse is broken off of us. We have the power to say “No” to all temptations that come our way.  We are not perfect and will still sin.  Jesus led a sinless life on this earth.  He was the perfect sacrificial passover lamb!!!  Praise ABBA!!!!

The scriptures tell us all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  All glory belongs to Jesus.  He was the sinless sacrifice that took all our sins upon himself.  

He nailed our sins to the cross! When he died we died to all our sins. As a believer we are raised immortal and his grace is freely given to us. Hallelujah!  

Jesus was full of grace and we can overflow with that same living and saving grace.    We can come to him and worship Him in Spirit and truth. He is alive forever. We can say no to sin. We may be tempted but that’s not the sin.  The sin is when we by choice give in to those temptations.  

Dear Jesus, forgive us of all our sins.  Reveal our sins so we can find true repentance.  He cleanses by  his great grace!!!  We humble our lives at your throne.  Transform our lives.  Change us with your glory.  Help us to put you first in all things.  Amen!!!


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