It's High Time to Trust GOD!

God is definitely not finished with you.  He has a purpose and destiny for you. "Yes, a plan for even You!"

 It does not matter what age you are or what you have been through...even if your life feels as if it is a big mess-up.  

Have you given all and just have given up on this life? Do you answer yes or no here?  This message is for those who have given up! For those who answered yes to this very pertinent question!

The enemy of our soul, the devil, has great plans for your destruction, for he is out to win the war over your soul.  He does not want your life to move forward.  He doesn't want to see you precede to be happy or experience some real joy! He wants to snuff out the light within you. Has he done it? Have you gone too far away? Do you feel distant from Abba God in heaven? Maybe you feel like a lost cause. Have you allowed the devil to win the battle? All you are living for is the day you die.

 You see, Satan knows what buttons to push and pulls our all our triggers at times through anything to bring us to that place of totality where we give up. He pulls all the right punches and plans to make us think there is no use for us, but to stop what seems like the constant fight. He wants you to stop trying and just let him run all over you!   He desires to destroy your life so you "will" stop trying! He doesn't want you praying or reading the bible or going to church.

Then on the other hand We see the very life of Jesus Christ. He went to the cross for us. He lived a sinless life on this earth. He did not give up but did completely what He came to earth for. I am sure there were times he did want to "Give up," but he did not. Jesus more than likely felt all the emotional pulls and triggers that we ourselves feel many times to throw in the towel.  You see his life has a mission and a plan...and so do we. As long as you are alive Jesus has a destiny for you...Don't give up on your life. Keep the faith. When you are knocked down get back up. Tell the devil who the boss is..."Jesus," did win the fight for your soul, but you have to try to live without sin...even when you do. There is no excuses. NOe of us are perfect but we should strive to live that way!

My friend you do not have any excuse to not pick up your Bible and pray and go to church and live every day like it's your last day, because it very well may be. I don't know nor do you! When it's our time we will go to be with Abba.

Every day when our eyelids open, we have come to a new day full of mercy and forgiveness.  Let's give all the glory to Jesus and allow him to live through our lives...Okay? Okay then! Abba has not given up on us! and HE will fight for you, but you do have to put forth some effort in this life.

Some days it's going to seem like you are fighting a upstream battle in a raging river like a fish going up stream. Every little step counts to make a big impression with GOD.

Jeremiah 29:11-14

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.
13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
14 I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”


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