Impossible Possibilities

Five Minute Friday

All things are possible for those who believe, and "nothing" is impossible with GOD. 

I guess the question of the hour is, "Do you believe that GOD can do the impossible in your life? I believe He can if you will open your heart up to him and believe humbly and submit to His plan!

As we see in the scriptures God does supernatural possibilities in the lives of those, He poured out His grace upon. Look at Noah, Abraham and Sarah, and look at name a select few. We are no exception to these humble people wrote about in the holy scriptures. Nothing and no one are exempt for all possibilities for the Holy Spirit to fall on even you that are reading this. Your life is not too far gone for Him to move through, if you will let him in!

I believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit.... Through that new covenant, we are not exempt from God's divine favor as His adopted children in the Spirit. 

I do not know about you, but I wonder if I have limited God's power, because of my unbelief? Can we actually stop Him even if we tried to run ahead of him and do things in our own way, without asking or acknowledging His ultimate power? We can sure make a mess of our lives...that is one thing I am sure of.

Sometimes I look at the mess I have made on my own. I have a long list.... If only I had trusted him enough to lean on his impossible possibilities... He can turn our messy mess into a glorious message of His greatness!

We live in a fallen world and our arch enemy wants us to look and see our messes. Through his perspective, our agenda at best is foiled.  IF we give him one inch He will take the whole nine yards.

But we serve A GOD of impossible possibilities. This message should ring loud and clear...


  1. Great reminder. Thank you.
    Your FMF Neighbour #12

  2. Loved "He can turn our messy mess into a glorious message of His greatness!"
    I can very much relate to this post.
    Thanks for sharing.


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