Fill My Cup Lord (to Capacity)

 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.   And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,

Ephesians 5:17-19

Today's five-minute Friday word is Capacity. The definition for this word is the maximum amount that something can hold or contain.

I am wondering how much of God we can actually contain. Can we actually be full of by His Holy Spirit and how are we filled?  I believe that we have to be able to release what GOD has given us...we cannot hold on to His grace or glory...

 So, does that mean we can be intoxicated with the Spirit? I am not so sure about that...I don't think Paul is "comparing" debauchery to a life of being led by the Holy Spirit. In my experience its to the contrary we will want to speak to each other in spiritual songs and not spiritually drunk!

I do believe we can live a surrendered life by giving full control to God, allowing the leading of His Holy Spirit in every area of our lives. Our hearts must be open to yield to that infilling.  If you ask God to give you a fish, He will not give you a stone.  We can't hold on to things in our past, but we should allow God every room in our hearts and hold nothing back...God wants to dwell in every room. we have to open the doors in our hearts to His Spirit.

How much of the Spirit do we have the capacity to hold within us? Our minds can be full of stress and anxiety.  We can have many thought negative thoughts and worries that come against our mind each day. I believe being filled to the capacity of God's spirit brings us a clear mind...That is what I have experienced anyway. I tend to worry and have anxiety but for the most part my mind is clear and clean.

I will tell you this much I have been in many charismatic churches during my lifetime. I do believe we can be touched greatly by the power of the Spirit...I have been hit by the power of God's Spirit before. It is a very humbling and sobering experience. It can make you cry and laugh and dance before the Lord.

I just don't know about all this new age stuff...that has infiltrated into the church though. I do NOT believe that God makes us bark like dogs or flip around on the floor like a fish out of the water. I do not mean to down manifestations of the spirit.  I have seen it and really unsure and reserved about it as a older spirit filled Christian.

I am wondering how many of us strive to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We can be filled, and it is a tremendous and delivering feeling to let go and let GOD the Holy Spirit be in control...


  1. I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit, but as you point out, that means other things have to removed to allow his to fill me completely. It's a constant process, I think. Visiting from FMF#15

    1. It really is Kym. I strive to stay filled...but just like Jesus have to recharge to capacity...

  2. Liked "we have to be able to release what GOD has given us." Makes me think of the streams of living water mentioned in John 7:38.


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