FIghting against God...

 Bur if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; Lest ye be found even to fight against God. Acts 5:38

Here I sit at my desk struggling with Covid all week.  When I was tested positive for it last Saturday it was a very somber and sober moment... I know people die from this malady.   I could be another casualty of this dreaded illness...

That night I poured out my heart to GOD and felt his presence in my bedroom.  As the tears flowed from my eyes, I told Jesus I was ready to go when He was ready for me. I felt his peace and grace wash over me that I was indeed ready.but not yet

but deep down I know that Jesus is not finished with me on this earth just yet...and as long as I am here I have been called to fight for the faith of God.

I don't know when that pivitol moment will be when GOD will call me home to be with Him, but nothing can stop what HE has designed for me. NO demon in hell can abort God's plan for my life. I will still proclaim God's grace and peace to the people I am around, i will not give up that easy.

I will not go until it is my time and all the forces of hell cannot stand in my way they will have to fight GOD for me.  how can the devil fight against what GOD has ordained, Satan's  plots and schemes will be plundered.

when this life is over and this race is over, I will hear you call my name but not until that time, no matter how dark the night is, I will listen and hear you say How I love you child....

 so my message to you is do not give up until the day you cross that golden sea with the angels of God...

Keep on that journey with GOD as He restores your soul....and when you have done all that you can do, then you give me more keep restoring my soul. Nothing man can do can stop God's plan for your life., not even youself......every day of my life Lord...

todays five minute friday word is Fight. FiveminuteFridaycom  


Richard T Hicks


  1. very true, nothing can separate us from the love of God or his plans for us. FMF9

  2. what a comfort that nothing can separate us from God and his great love for us. Visiting from FMF#11

  3. I know Covid is frightening
    and you don't know what to do,
    but this may be enlightening...
    Jesus is there too.
    He knows the pain and knows the fear,
    He knows uncertainty,
    but know this, He holds you dear,
    and His you'll always be,
    and perhaps He'll bid you come
    with Him to Paradise
    and once there you'll walk among
    the saints and see delights
    that He's prepared just for your eyes,
    each one His most special surprise.

  4. Liked "nothing can stop what HE has designed for me. . . . Nothing man can do can stop God's plan for your life." Truth that.


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