
What Matters the Most

  There are three things that really matters to the Lord in the above scripture. What does it mean? Well to me it means what the Lord really wants us to do for him. We cannot work our way into righteousness by doing good works!! We cannot sacrifice others for our own sin! You see Jesus has not called us to one calling, there are various callings upon our lives, and different gifts of the Spirit in different seasons of our life . What matters the most? What has GOD called you to do?   What does He require of You?? 1.  Act Justly is the "quality" to be fair and impartial, or to behave in a way that is morally right. 2. Love mercy is the "quality" of showing empathy to other people in our lives or who we come in contact within a day's time. 3. Walk Humbly is the quality of walking in a contrite spirit, and not in pride. In whatever the day holds for us, if we walk in these three things...they matter the most. Not in having a great worldwide ministry or huge life ca

Remembering my own version of 9-11

I clearly remember 9-11.  I was working at the Fleetwood company in Longview Texas in 2001. I was in a terrible place in my life. I was emotionally and mentally whooped.  My marriage was in trouble, and I was at a job I hated. I was so numb and cold in my soul.  I was not in shock that day at what was going on in our country.  There was so much strife in my own home, and I had lost all will for fight for anything or anybody for that matter. I remember all the workers gathered around the flagpole at work and prayed. I was there but I didn't pray, just hung my head in silence. I was hearing audible voices and very paranoid about the people I was working around.  I thought that they were talking to me telepathically using their thoughts out loud. It was very overwhelming to say at the least. There was a love and hate war going on in my mind and with angels and demons fighting for my soul...I prayed so hard to know the truth at that time, but never got an answer I am not sure why. It w

Waiting is the Hardest Part

Wait for the  Lord ;  be strong and take heart  and wait for the  Lord . Psalms 27:14 Sometimes God puts us in a waiting season.  He is still there, but it almost seems "our answer" is on hold...We are not sure why but all we can do is hold onto Jesus during this time the best we can. We have to believe that He is working behind the scenes on our behalf.  He really is moving situations and circumstances, even when it seems that our life is on hold on the outside in the natural.  We have to dig a little deeper during these times of waiting upon GOD. Jesus does have the best intentions for us even when it seems we are in a tough season, some things dont come around so easy!  There is always a testimony after any test. Give Jesus the glory when He provides your answer. Jesus holds us in the stillness of that waiting. He wants us to be patient, and not run ahead of Him...We don't need to pull away during this time and forge ahead without Him leading and guiding our path. He h

I Don’t Know Prayer


Thank You Very Much

Thank you, Jesus, for your holy presence upon my life. I love you, and I appreciate where you have brought me from... wow you have done an awesome work in my heart and soul...THANK YOU VERY MUCH. For You reached into that barren and dry desert called my heart; you placed me into a spiritual oasis where living waters freely flow from your grace and mercy. I do not deserve your mercy or even your grace, but you shed your precious blood for even this sinner... For I am nothing without you...You saved me for a purpose and destiny. I ask that your holy will be fulfilled in my life...Let Your plans unfold...and disintegrate all plots and plans of the devil for my life to be null and completed voided out. My prayer is that you would use me. I yield and surrender my life into your hands. I am so grateful for that cross where you died to redeem me from the snare of the fowler, and from the perilous pestilence. I am not sure where or what direction my life is going but I place all my trust in yo

Nothing Else...

Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it... 1 Timothy 6:6-7 God wants us to be at peace with Him and depend on His Word more than anything else. 'Nothing else' in this life will fill us and bring that true satisfaction deep inside us. Nothing else can fill that void inside of us. Only a true and living relationship with Jesus will we find the truth of deep contentment within our lives... Nothing else should matter but giving Him sole ownership of our souls.  That is the only key to finding that abundant contented life!!  Jesus came to this earth so that we could have a satisfied life and nothing else should compare to His filling our hearts... Contentment is defined as a state of being in which one is satisfied with their current life situation, and the state of affairs in one's life as they presently are. We should not want our independence so much if it means we are shutting Jesus out of our hearts.


Jesus will be with you in the highest and lowest of times. Even on those dark and dreary days when everything around us fails completely. During those trying times does it seem like he could not possibly be there for you?   My friends, He is still working things together for you behind the scenes to bring you into the glorious riches of His awesome grace.  He is seeking to work powerfully within you if you allow Him to!!  You have to walk by faith even when you do not see things working in your favor. For He is the God of all grace...  That is not always so easy; to see things working through His eyes of faith.  You have to "faith it until you make it," and not allow satan to rob you of the joy of God's presence. We have to allow Jesus to take the lead and lean on Him one hundred percent...all other ground is sinking sand.  We won't be able to stand without leaning on someone or something. Give Jesus a try, he will never fail you nor will be abandon you! Jesus is and