Undecided? Yes or No!

I will let you title this blog... My title is "Undecided" because I could not ever decide what the real title should be.  I just know I need to chime in on this particular topic. So, whatever you decide on the title and the topic is fine with me!

Ever looked up the definition for undecided? Well, here is "Googles."  It means "not having made a decision. Decision on the other hand means the action or process of deciding something or of resolving a question.

A scripture does come to mind and here it is:

But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. Matthew 5:37

So, what is that scripture saying about the word undecided.... I think that words like I am okay and I don't know are oxymoron words.... The Holy Bible is very clear about your indecision when you use these wordings! You are either great or horrible, or good or bad!

This is my biggest pet peeve...We cannot hide our feelings behind these statements!  Has someone ever asked you how you were, and you said I am okay, or I do not know? 

See I used to do that when the Holy Spirit got onto me about it. No matter if I was in a bad mood and had to explain why I was...Sometimes I wonder if introverts use these phrases to get out of talking! I know I have!

I will say this and end this undecided topic! You are in charge of your day no matter what happens. No one likes a stinky or self-righteous attitude. No matter how your day goes you are not governed by your feelings.  You should move out in faith no matter how you feel...and feel great about it.

No one likes to be around a sourpuss or someone that is negative all the time. So, let your 'yes,' 'be yes.'  And your 'no,' 'be no!!'

Just be ready to talk about your day to whoever asks you. And remember this tidbit, good is the greatest enemy to "great!"

This word for this FiveminuteFriday post is undecided. I wrote it on Sunday in five minutes time!!!



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