No Rock is Too Hard!!

It was really awesome what the Holy Spirit spoke to me as I was finishing up memorizing a portion of scripture tonight.  He spoke to me concerning that the word of GOD "is" much like a hammer, and as I keep memorizing the scriptures that I was going to have a great spiritual break-through.  I really believe it was from the LORD. I am believing that the walls of sin that have kept me from experiencing more of GOD in my heart and life, will be shattered by my memory work! I am believing as well that for people who are interested in having a deeper intimacy with GOD that you will experience that deeper peace as 'you' memorize the holy scriptures.

I always had a difficult time when I was in school. Learning didn't come easy for me. I had to be very deliberate in memorizing. Then after a day or so I could not even remember what I memorized. School was really tough in a whole lot of aspects but that's for a different time and place...Then, when I was a youth I was in the bible drills, I won several awards.  I remember the small memory verses from that though.  

So it still took me several days to completely memorize a portion of Scripture, but the benefits are much more than worth their weight in gold.

Meditating and memorizing come hand in hand. It's like I read somewhere that you can hit a good size rock ninety-nine times and on the one hundredth time the rock splits. Those nine other times the force of the hammer was weakening that rock so it would crack. So it is with the word of GOD.

Some of that sin in our lives is stubborn. It will take some heavy hitting with the Hammer of HIs WORD. SO keep at it until you break that sin off of you!!! Memorize and verbally repeat it daily. and I didn't saw you had to memorize the whole bible!!! Now did I?? NO! LOL! I believe it is something you build a little portion upon each day though. Until you can polish up the word of GOD perfectly memorized. Makes  that hammer even more powerful force to reckon with the dark forces that attempt to trip us up!!

I have a prayer journal or a notebook will do ;)

Repetition and Meditation and Memorization wins in the end…..When I do memorize a portion of scripture I will write it from memory in future blog posts so stay tuned in, If I can do this folks so can you as well as experience breakthroughs in your walk with Christ Jesus.

Richard T Hicks


  1. Hey, I really felt your excitement when reading this post! Thank you. It's very to the point, and an encouraging read. It does inspire to take action.


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