Dont Quench THE GIFT!!!

When I was 18 I had a salvation experience one Sunday night on a jog around the block where we lived. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Holy Spirit had a hand in that doubt about it. My soul was touched and saved from the strong grip of the devil. My mind was very troubled and tormented as a teenager. I had experienced deliverance for the very first time.

But what happened the next night was just as important to me. My friend Anna took me to see her pastor who opened up the scriptures to me about the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I was so like a sponge on that night I soaked the word in as the Holy Spirit ministered through that Assembly of God pastor. As they prayed over me that night, I received the gift of a heavenly language from the Father in Heaven.

I don't know it all and I know everyone's beliefs are different. But what I do know is this, I experienced it that night and I grew up a Baptist. It is a glorious manifestation of grace that I want you all to experience.

I have and did go through a season when I was not sure it was Godly or not as strange as that sounds. I do not want to quench what God did in my heart on that night, nor do I want to quench the Holy Spirit right now.

What I must tell you is very important. You can put out the Spirit's fire power with unbelief. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE if you really and truly believe in the baptism. If you have never received that gift...and you doubt are grieving the Holy Spirit. The anointing of God's Spirit is very powerful in breaking yokes of sin off of our soul. Don't doubt what God has done in your life, and don't doubt His anointed heavenly language is for you!!!

I have had my heavenly language since 1982. It is the ultimate way to praise the Father in Heaven. Only He and you know what you are saying. Pray that He will lead you to interpret your heavenly language. Don't belittle what a mighty GOD can DO though YOU!!!

I'm not sure why I am writing this but GOD does. Don't be jealous of others to scorn and belittle GOD's anointing. If you don't understand try reading  about the Corinthian church in the New Testament of the Bible, and the early chapters in the book of Acts. Ask the helper, that HOLY SPIRIT. He will reveal all unto you.

I just want you to encourage someone out there to not give up on this precious gift of GOD...yes especially the gift of speaking in don't know what's around the corner for you....You should make it a daily routine of praising GOD...because when you run out of words of the Highest praise to Jehovah...that's when HIS SPIRIT will take over and operate though you to speak the mysteries of GOD. Don't belittle what GOD can do in and through you!

We need revival so much in this day, I pray that the HOLY SPIRIT rains down upon you and in you in every way!!!


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