Just say "NO."

During the course of our day, there are many voices vying for our attention.  I  believe that as a believer in Jesus, you have the voice of the Holy Spirit inside you teaching you and guiding you into the things of GOD. I also believe the enemy of our souls has a voice as well that tempts us. Last but not least, I believe that we also have the voice of the flesh causing strife with us.

What if you actually could have have the power to silence all these voices that we hear in our mind? You have the power to choose to say "NO" to the voice of the enemy and the flesh! I am here to tell you that Jesus has given us that ability and authority against those sinful voices.

Our culture and the society we live in has a yes mentality. Some of us have never just said no....we have very weakly given in and said yes to appease those mental voices to shut them up. Do those thoughts still tempt, taunt, and harass and control our every move?

We need to take inventory of our thought life, disallowing our minds the ability to focus on the things of this world, thus taking every thought captive for Christ.

I am in a good season in my life, God has given me discernment TO KNOW where the voices are coming from, and to tell them NO. The devil is very crafty, we can choose to believe in a demon behind every bush, and that he is to blame for every thing, or we can take responsibility for our actions that the flesh tries to indoctrinate us with.  Some times we need to pull up our spiritual bootstraps and just got right with God!

I believe the HOLY SPIRIT prompted me to write this.  You have the power to say NO to the flesh and the devil.  God will give you the tenacity and courage to stand behind your words!  and  Thank you Matt for helping me with editing and adding sentences!


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