Putting GOD in a BOX??

As long as you put GOD 'in a box' you will NOT experience all that HE has for you...healing, deliverance from sin, and the flesh...as well as watching the words of your mouth. You should desire all that God has. Its high time to get rid of that box of hypocritical religiosity!!!

Please do not limit HIM when he can do so much more in your life.  When you restrict GOD, you are more or less putting JESUS in a box. HE can not live and more through you if you confine HIM from doing so!!!

We should bare our souls and lay our lives down on that altar of sacrifice unto HIM, and not try to stuff GOD in a box saying "YOU can do this or that, but not touch that part of my life." Do not hold back of those areas that stay hidden from everyone else because of guilt and shame!! 

Living the Christian walk should be less about you and more about HIM. Its not all about what HE can do 'for' you, but what HE can do 'through' you for Him to reach into others around you. It is about Jesus going deep within you using those messed up areas that have bound you up. 

In your weakness HE is strong and HIS GRACE is sufficient for all things pertaining to life and godliness! IF you are not giving out, if it is not coming forth out of you to minister to others in need, then what is your exact purpose on this earth.  We need to be Jesus extended through our words and through our bodies touching the life of other wounded souls around us.

GOD has done a great deliverance in my mind. He has brought me out of a mental illness. He has given me a sound and clear mind and HE can do the same for you. I had to come to a point to not put Jesus in a box. I had to come to a point of allowing HIM into my mind and running to HIM with at every turn. 

I spent a great deal of time with HIM and continue doing so!! I believe because of that HE has done a great healing in my mind. 

I know in the past I have written a lot about the grace of GOD. HE has done a GRACE HEALING in me, by me getting rid of that religious box and stop being a hypocrite. By all means I am not hiding behind the grace message!!!  

You are hiding nothing from Jesus Christ. He is the light of our salvation that shines upon our mind and our very soul!!! Nothing is hidden from HIM!!!

He is the strength when we are weak.  Yes! HE is the life giver, and does give us the strength of HIS grace HE gives us the stability within that grace, and the ability to say NO to the flesh, the world and our true enemy, satan!!!

Don't put your healing in a box. God doesn't give us boxed up gifts!!!  In Act chapter 2 The HOLY SPIRIT descended in flames of fire! His gifts are not confined to that one day on Pentecost. They are just as powerful today as they were on that day. You do not have to dig through a box, the HOLY SPIRIT is already evident here for you, if you submit and surrender HE bestow those gifts to you.

Im not sure who I am talking to this morning, but GOD knows.  Its HIGH time!!!!  Are you willing to go to the next level? Surrender to HIS will and plan for your life!!!

Standing Strong in His Grace, 

Richard T Hicks


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