Spiritual Mantles: Part One

...And Elijah passed over to Him (Elisha) and threw his mantle on him.  1 Kings 19:19

Several years ago while in God's very strong presence and listening to worship and yesterday, I had a similar experience in a vision of someone throwing a mantle on my shoulders.  The first experience which was around 5 years ago, the Holy Spirit spoke the word mantle to my spirit. I immediately looked up the above scripture and believed the Lord had called me to be a prophet.

Wow! I remember really wrestling with what I felt like God spoke to me. I even wrote a blog post in a blog I had at that time.  At the church I  was in at the time, I went to that pastor and the next Sunday He and the elders prayed over me. Do you know I never gave a prophetic word in that church? There was no one there to mentor me in the prophetic. While attending there It was like my mouth kept shut and I didn't speak forth in that assembly. There was very few who stepped up in the prophetic there...

I just do not see it working in my life except in my blogging. I am very introverted and shy away from mingling in crowds.  God would have the give me the courage of a lion. I have never foreseen the future, and would never pull someone out of their seat in the church and give them a word from the Lord Jesus.

I greatly desire to be sensitive to Holy Spirit and obey. I do not want to grieve or quench HIS WORK in my life.

Then last night I had another vision of Jesus putting a mantle over my shoulders...whew!! I mean really? I am very weary of running from what GOD has called me to do. I hope I do not have a Jonah complex and wind up in the belly of a whale!!  I want to follow GOD with all my heart and do the work HE has called me to do with no hesitation

It hasn't transpired for me to come forth or go forth. I submit to the calling of Jesus Christ and humbly receive and accept that mantle and wait on the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT.

Some of you may have never heard of a mantle and what it is, and then some know exactly what im taking about... so here goes what I found out by some studying on the internet.  I did some quick googling and came up with this link on spiritual mantles:

If anyone has anything to add please do so in the comments. I will research it and posting a future blog post on the subject of Spiritual Mantles. Be looking for it soon!

Standing Strong in His Grace,
Richard T Hicks



  1. Richard, All that kept coming to my mind when reading this post is when you said that you didn't see the prophetic working in your life EXCEPT (caps mine) for in your blogs is that that is exactly what your mantle is. Now that is not to say that someday it might entail something more. however I believe that your blogs are where God has called you and they are not to be minimilized. Take heart my friend for God is indeed using you and is intimately acquainted with your spirit. In God's timing when all is in order all things that were meant to come to pass will come to pass.
    May the Blessings of the Holy Spirit always rest upon you, Lish

    1. You are right my sister. Thank you for responding. The outreach is small at this time with my blog posts. I long for the day when God will use me in the church body as well. I sense the Holy Spirit very strongly in my writings as they pour our of my heart! God bless and may He hold you close to His heart!

    2. Just because something is small doesn't make it any less significant in our Fasther's eyes. Your writings have always been very powerful and have really touched my life. Please pray for me and our family. Sometimes I feel like our mutual buddy isn't very fond of me anymore. I am thankful that you two have your friendship.


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