Happy Thanksgiving

I sense a particularly blessed this holiday season.  I am just very humbled and thankful that I am still on this green earth. With out God's great grace, I would not be here right now. I appreciate the ways the Lord has blessed me. He has kept his hand on my family during the season of the COVID. It is really sad how many has died this year. I believe we will make it though this disastrous season. I believe peace will come once again to this earth.  It may not seem like it but I sense we are on the backside of this pandemic.  We are coming into a bright New Year.

Well its another year of me cooking Thanksgiving. I think Mawmaw Anglin, Mamaw Bailey and MaElla are looking down on me and shining down their cooking skills upon this humble cooking student!!! I miss them all very much but I know there will be a sweet reunion someday down the road!!!

I dont know much else to write, other than I feel so good right now in my life...Its like everything is falling  into a permanent place.  I am excited about what GOD is doing in my life, and I know a ministry is going to surface that I can serve with my whole heart, and soul. Life is great and I know great things are in store for me.

Father I just come to you, I come past the torn veil into the most HOLY PLACE. I humble my life before you and ask you to protect my family. I thank you for perfect timing in your will for all things pertaining to life and godliness. I ask you for more Words from Your Precious HOLY SPIRIT. I ask for more of You in my life and less of me. I ask to anoint my writings and my videos...and I thank you for your sweet Holy Spirit, and the joy that you have put in my spirit be made evident. What you have done deep in my heart would leap to the surface. I Love you very much Jesus. Touch my family and bring them all to the saving knowledge of your grace in Jesus Christ name I humbly  pray, Amen and Amen!




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