He Strengthens Me...

When the weight of the world... 

is heavy on your shoulders, 

and the things of this life, 

are too hard to handle.

Take a good look at His Word... 

and...don't say

I can't.

With God as your witness

He will make you 


to take the test.

Because, I can do all things

through Christ who strengthens me

I can take all things

that the world throws at me

with God as my witness

I can stand faithfully...

If I just trust in HIS WORD 

then Christ will strengthen me!

So, you got chains on your feet? 

Don't just stand there!

Stand up and shout and shake the chains free!

Take another look at HIS WORD

and don't say I can't

with GOD as your witness

He will make you strong to take the test!!!

I can do all things 

though CHRIST who strengthens me

I can take all things that the world

throws at me

With GOD as my witness

I can stand faithfully

If I stand on His WORD 

then Christ will strengthen me.

Richard T Hicks



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