Letting go of Hate

What Satan has demolished...God will rebuild in His timeframe...Just like Job, I have set in the ashes and rubble of a life I once knew. Do not be discouraged but put your hope in GOD. Though He slay me, I will still trust him. Job 13:15.

I praise My Jehovah, what was meant for my destruction God has plans for my good. In the end He will bless me double.

I am here to give you hope. I am not going to focus on the negatives in my life, but the positive. I was once very tormented in my mind. Negative thoughts overwhelmed me. I was stressful and an angry and hateful man, disturbed and miserable.

Oh but then there was the grace of God that revealed to me the compassion of Jesus with his tender mercy of light came upon the scene. He melted my heart with His love and I will never be the same!!!

Until you let go of alllll that trash...all that evil hate and unforgiveness, you will never tangibly experience The tender and very real love of the Father.

He makes streams in the desert places amen?  Amen!  You cannot have true love in your heart if you hate. Dont allow your heart to be filled with that! Let it go...all of those negatives and allow God to give you a new heart and a clear mind. He can do it if you let Him...I know!!!


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