Your A Soldier of the King

There I was...afraid of the dark

It was there that I saw 

the way I was not, 

But I'm leaving it all behind, 

leaving it all behind...

When the race is almost run 

then you fall before the Son, 

He picks you up

and He puts you back in place, 

your His Soldier and He is your race. 

Jesus is our victory, 

rock of all salvation 

cornerstone for you and me, 

so pick up your pieces and be strong,

You are a soldier of the King...

Now I am royalty

not a common man

as others see

a priest of the most high GOD

priest of the most high God

Come and bow before His throne

seek His glory and not your own

Jesus is our victory

Rock of all salvation

Cornerstone for you and me

so pick up the pieces and be strong

Your a solder of the KING



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