Do not Give Up!

If I were to tell you one thing to those who will really listen is "do not quit." NO matter how tough things get, get tough with them.  Do not let down your guard... I have many regrets in my life that I wish I had not quit on. Just because things do not go as you planned that does not mean you have to give up. God is in control, and HE establishes things in their place for a reason and a season...Sometimes you have to dig a little deeper to find the pure gold. If you know the gold is there you need to keep digging when that is all you know to do. Dig in with your heels and never give up!

 But God knows us very well...He knows we grow weary and faint when it comes to facing hard times. God is still God in the hard times, we should not give up so easy.

One of these areas for me was marriage I hate to say. Maybe I expected more or too much from past relationships...I regret leaving my first marriage....what is done is done and the wounds were deep, plus with two sons.... I wish I had got help then and stuck with it for better or worse. I learned that the grass was not greener on the other side.

The other thing I want to talk about in this post is hopelessness and suicide....Please don't give any thought to killing yourself no matter what. It is not worth your precious time thinking of those ideations. You are so loved by our Abba in heaven. Please dont give up on life and living...


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