Word in Due Season...

 You and I need to be really ready for the return of Jesus Christ. I believe that the most important thing for you is to know Him and have a relationship with Jesus first and foremost by leaning on and hearing His voice through the Holy Spirit.

 I have had one-way relationships, havent you? Those kind dont go anywhere fast...We will never stay connected that way. It will get old fast and will fall apart.

God doesn't want that with you and I either. He has poured out His Holy Spirit upon all flesh...Have you experienced that infilling.  His Spirit infusing with our Spirit? Yes we are one Spirit with Him in Christ Jesus.

But there will be other voices to contend with to keep you busy and distracted. You will not hear the voice of the Helper, the Holy Spirit, if your mind is racing with thoughts to keep you busy. Doing your goals and chores and work is all very well and good.,,but we do need to designate a time just to be with Jesus and hear and also listen to His Voice. Listening to His Spirit is the way that Jesus speaks to our hearts.

Prayer is much more than us interceding unto him the greatest prayer warriors come out of that secret place hearing the voice of His Holy Spirit. That is where sweet fellowship and communion is established.

Its more than just reading the Bible and devotions...Its diving into the things of God and allowing His Holy Spirit to teach you so that you can learn to know Jesus better, and listening what HE is teaching you and learning and making that. your ultimate goal in your Christian walk. The Bible does say we are obligated to walk in His Spirit and not in the flesh....The two will continually war and contend with one another. You have to win that war by putting the flesh under submission! Do not settle into being a carnal christian. Learn to walk in step with the Holy Spirit.

You see there is a big differencing between hearing and really listening to what Jesus wants to say to us through  the Holy Spirit. Communication is the key and tool to a two-way relationship as well. Spending time reallky listening to what God is saying and how He is guiding you each day.

Be encouraged this day. Let's reign with Christ. We are seated with him in the heavenly places. We are one with him in spirit and truth.

Remember this day that its not about being religious.  It is all about having a 100 percent relationship. Humble youself in the presence of the Lord Jesus.


Happy Resurrection Day 


Richard T Hicks


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