It’s not that Complicated
There is nothing complicated about hell…in fact it is very easy to get there. I can assure you it’s not one big party with lots of rock music and sex. Who would want to actually feel hells torment without any grace, mercy or relief. I do not know about you but I do not wish to go there If you intend to take the easy street then by all means be prepared for continual weeping and gnashing of teeth and the torment of eternal fiery punishment. Hell is not a complicated choice!! Who would want to go there? I would never desire to go there willingly. Jesus came to this earth he hung on that cross as a human being He was God in the flesh. There is not a whole lot of preaching these days about going hell…we need to hear more fiery sermons from pulpits on Sunday mornings!!! Unrepentant sinners.will all go to hell. It’s high time we repented of all our sins, and ask God to forgive you of all sin. Sin is sin and Jesus desires us to be...
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