It's High Time to Rise from Those ashes....

I cannot believe I am typing out and publishing this on my blog but here goes:

Here lately I am really putting for a whole lot of effort and "hard work" on Richard.  It has been diligently coming forth for several months now. I am becoming more focused and committed to attending a church I actually joined last year. Just now I have committed my life to serve on the greet team at church. I am more active and actually talking more smiling more and just being happy for the first in a very long time... The last thing I want you to think is that I am proud and bragging...That is not my true intent here but show you how far I have actually come!!!

I have run away from facing things most of my teenage and adult life. It is very humiliating and embarrassing to step into church but I make and force Richard's flesh to do it anyway!!!.  I have isolated and secluded my life from the church mostly and society. As well as suffered terrible seasons of mental anguish and breakdowns on and off for countless years. SO much torture and torment from satan himself! Folks no doubt the devil has a purpose and oppression foir anyone who does not get your heart one hundred percent right with God. submitting to things your flesh doesnt like to do.

Working on relationships have been really hard when the going gets tough and rough in a relationship instead of digging my heels in, I have abandoned and run away!!!
I am very ashamed to say I that out loud. I am ready to put my best foot forward and find love again.

Yes I really desire a lady friend to share my life with. I have been so stupid and made tragic decisions in my past and dealing with severe paranoia and a severe mental illness has not helped. Now I am ready to work on having the love of a lady in my life and reciprocating that love back to her. Yes its going to take hard work but im on a roll now.

I have sit in the ashes of my life for way too long, and the enemy of my soul can pack a powerful punch to send us down for the count oh but you know satan has another thing coming!!! God is not finished with me yet.  I am taking it slow and steady and standing firm in the armor of GOD!! 

 I am claiming total healing freedom of my mental issues...One day I will be free of the medicine im taking by the great grace of Jesus Christ. Whatever happens happens as I let the Holy Spirit take control of my body soul and spirit!!! I am not scared of you devil or your demons, go back to hades where you belong in Jesus name!!!

Its when you stop struggling that when you are living a very defeated life!  Struggling is only a small part of that victory!!!

I give GOD the glory through his Holy Spirit in saying that my mental health symptoms hav e drastically changed for the better. That spirit of depression reigned in my life for the big part of my life. I striped my soul of that garment and put on praise and joy of the Lord Jesus.

Only those who read my blog will see this. I hope to get responses and comments here!!! Feel free I need any form of encouragement you can give me at this time.  I am going to do whatever it takes to get and stay on that narrow street by God's grace and mercy by faith....diligently seeking Jesus Christ!! 


Richard T Hicks


  1. Wishing you all the best, Richard! So happy for your new found joy and motivation. Hope you find a very special lady! blessings, melina


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