Let it Go and Roll.

 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Nothing is too difficult for me. Dont be angry, just let it roll and go...let all the rage and bitterness "not take root" in your heart, because when and if it actually takes root in the soil of your heart, it gets much tougher to get rid of what hides beneath the surface. 

I want to go much deeper with you...And you will reap what you sow...allow the Holy Spirit to uproot all bitter weeds as your crucify your flesh by the Spirit's power.... Sow the Word inside your heart and mediate upon my precepts. For I plan to cultivate and raise you up and place a beautiful spring garden in your heart...I will send the rains from that never ending fountain to cause growth and increase in your life...Plow up the fertile ground of your heart and allow my WORD to take root.

Give you whole heart to me, and dont take it back when things dont go as you think they should be. Did I not say that I will prepare a place for you. Behold your great habitation with in my Kingdom is far greater...Any other place will be lacking on the earth. Do not let Your mind fall into the hands of the devil..For I have redeemed you and chosen you for a greater calling...I pluck you out of the enemies hand...do not go running back to him that is in his design but stand firm against his wiles!!! Put on all your armor and speak the Word out of your heart to defeat and the enemy in his rightful place!!!

I have set aside this time for you to seek me. This new environment will take time for you to adjust. All I am asking is to give it a chance I know your flesh is prone to pick out the negative.  Be filled and walk in the humility of My Spirit. Let your heart be contrite and open. I have a calling upon your life you are my ambassador wherever you live...

Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, then all these things will be added unto you


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