Powerful Word for Whosoever will Receive...

I believe that the Lord is fashioning you to be "His sharp arrow" against the ranks of darkness.

Native Americans made Arrowheads by using a chipping process called flint knapping.

After the flint was selected, the large piece was cut down to size by a blow to the edge with a piece of hard stone.

This is called percussion chipping and was repeated until the piece was thinned and shaped.


I will bring this WORD to your memory when you are going through undo pressure from worldly circumstances.

I will form and fashion you, and yes, it is a difficult and sometimes very painful process of complete deliverance. I will chip away at your flesh until you are no longer walking in the ways of sin, but you are totally submerged in the Holy Spirit and walking in the ways of a HOLY GOD!!!

You will go through a mighty deliverance in the name of Yeshua Christ. 

You will be a force to not be reckoned with!!!

I will do this by my great and awesome hand!

Please submit to me and do not kick against the goads!!!  As you submit and yield to my purpose and plans for you will unfold, as you allow the power of my Holy Spirit will cause a "graceful rest" to come upon you as I engage in my work on you . 

Please stop rebelling against me...It will only cause you more pain in that fashioning process.

Hear and heed these words...For time is very short, and I will do a quick work for the sake of my Kingdom to be established upon this earth!!! 

Maranatha, Come quicky Lord Jesus AMEN AND AMEN!!!!



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