
Ever have one of those childhood memories etched in your mind? The one that comes to mind is when I was in 8th grade football. I did not have a big brother growing up, or a decent male role model sorry to say. I was a bookworm always had my head in a book and not very athletic during that time. I had no clue or desire to play sports. I was more or less drafted into football in the 8th grade, meaning that it was mandatory in 1977 I guess. All I know is I was there and did not know a lick split about football. I was a loner and did not have any friends making life really awkward for me. I didn't even talk a whole whole lot and very tense as well as a late bloomer. I really don't know why I am saying all this, it was good for me to say at the least now that I think about it to be made to be in a sport. SO you know I really and truly was the best bench warmer....

Yes, you guessed it folks I was on the bench most of the games. I had a vivid memory of our last game and I believe we played the El Dorado wildcats! MAN they were tearing us up. IN the very last game of the season on the very last play they put me out on the field as the wide receiver! I froze not knowing what to do. I can laugh about this now. I remember them telling me to run but my feet just were froze...Now you may be wondering what in the world is ths all about?

In the Christian life you just can't give up. I mean life can get really rough and you may feel awkward like I did as an 8th grader. We have the greatest playbook the Holy Bible just like the the playbook in football! PTL!!!

We need to live and survive...Get out on that field of life and apply the word to your life and do the best you can. And yes, there is grace, and times when you drop the ball and get tackled. You dont GIVE UP, you GET BACK UP daily and give it all you can.

Maybe someone out there really needs to hear that right about now. It is not never ever too late.

Give your life a change and try to do your best at this Christian walk. It will be all be worth it some day. You can trust me, I know.


Richard T Hicks


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