Come Forth!!

 I tell you what...God is moving on this earth through the body of Christ! Sunday was a great day. I went to church after over a month. I urge you to read my last post. I tend to withdraw and isolate from everything. I get very depressed during this time. In 2021 I had to go inpatient it was so severe.  I am better but still go through times of depression, and this late isolation was very dark and depressing. But something happened last week that woke me up. It was the Holy Spirit.  I Know that now. But, listen to this...

I went to church Sunday morning. Before the Worship and Praise got going, I believe the Holy Spirit told me that I came in when my grave clothes on. Remember the story in the Bible about Lazarus?  Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead!! Out comes Lazarus in what? His graveclothes!! Praise GOD!!

You see Jesus called me out of that isolation...I firmly believe that!!! I will talk about graveclothes in another post. I've got to pray about what exactly they are...Then I realized the first several songs were about walking out of the grave!!!  Did I ever rejoice in that service!!! I feel that my graveclothes were off by the end of that service!!! I sang louder than I have in a long time, and I am not a loud singer!!! Jesus brought me out of the grave!!! Wow!! Hallelujah!!

I feel the presence of God as I am writing this. My prayer is that you will come out of the grave you are living in. You are so dear to Jesus!!  He does not want you to die without HIM. You are alive in Christ and Jesus wants you to live like you just came out of the grave!!!  You see we are dead in our sins. but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Romans 6:11


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