Here I am again...

The title says it all. I go through seasons of pulling away from the Lord.  When I pull away, I pull back from everything...Praying, reading and studying, my devotions, church, work, I withdraw and drop everything. I do not know why I do it. I think the old saying is true, "If you give the devil an inch, he takes a foot." Literally you cannot give any place to satan in your heart and even life. 

Tonight, for some reason I feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit wooing me so strongly that I drop everything. I stop searching for something I can never find without God leading me.  My mind is so clear right now at 2:45 am Friday morning, and I feel inspired to write this posting.

In the past I have pulled away from relationships and put up permanent walls. I regret that. All I can think right now is that divorce is in my family generational line.  Maybe that is where this all is rooted.  I apologize for anyone I have pulled away from. Relationships take work, they are not all the time easy. I wish I have realized that alone time ago. If I have hurt you, I am very sorry.

Now it's time to get back where I need to be and stay...There is nothing I can do about the wrong choices I have made. They are in the past and I can't fix that now. The only thing I can do is move forward and not dwell on past mistakes.

The devil likes to put condemnation on me so that that is all I see... He likes to rub guilt and shame all over my soul. He wants to destroy me.  I am here to tell you my enemy the devil, is NOT in control.   Jesus Christ has given us the complete authority over the devil. Be gone in Jesus' name!!!!

Maybe you can relate to what I am writing? If so, just know that the Lord Jesus is with you now. I pray that HE woos you with His Holy Spirit as you are reading this.

He anointed my head with oil, my cup overflows! 

Grace and Peace,



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