Thanksgiving in My Heart

I will enter his gates this year. It is the end of the year and I have so much to be thankful for. I am in a good place right now. No other time for me to express gratitude for what Jesus has done in my life...for you Jesus having a hand of grace upon my mental health and granting peace that passes understanding to my troubled soul. You have truly done a great work and I am humbled by Your glory. You deserve my thanksgiving and my praise for what you have done in my heart and life.  There is so much I could say here to Jesus, but I want to take the time to encourage you to express prayers of gratitude to the King of all kings!!!   This year especially. 

Maybe you are alone this holiday season. I want to reach out to those in isolation right now. God knows and sees you and desires you to come out of your cave...I don't know about you, but I get very depressed and distressed when I close myself off from the world, especially from the body of Christ.  We need you to come to church, make that step back in!!!

Yes, it can be tough very tough!  It is not time to pull away though. I want to encourage you to reach out and take the hand of Jesus. He wants to heal your soul wounds. He cannot do that is you are resisting His Holy Spirit. Do not quench the Holy Spirit's fire!!! I pray that He speaks to you right now thr0ugh my writing. 

I have a great church. But it is way more than a church building or going to church. It is connecting to the ingrafted body of Christ and finding your place. If you are a true believer, you are a part of an awesome family!! When you go to church you are congregating with the family of GOD!  A real family does not go through the motions, do they?  I have been in churches like that. I have been in many churches when I did not feel like part of the church family. It is not a lofty position but there should be a lot of humility within their hearts reaching out in mercy and grace to all who enter through the doors of the church.

I really think you have a lot to be thankful for this year.  Start a gratitude list and just dont stuff it away in a drawer or let it be another page in your journal. Make it your daily prayer to Jesus out loud every day when you wake up. Watch your pity party turn into a heart of thanksgiving giving praise to Jesus!!!


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