Day 2 for the A-Z Writing Challenge

This is day 2 of the A-Z writing challenge and the word for today is beatitude, which means supreme blessedness.   Jesus teaches the beatitudes in the Gospels. In Matthew 5:3-11 its gives a list of those who are supremely graced by God's blessings:

The poor in spirit 

Those who mourn

The gentle

Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

The merciful

The pure in heart

The Peacemakers

Those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness

Do you fit into any of these categories? If so you are extremely blessed by God. He sets us apart as he sends us showers of blessings:

Giving us the kingdom of heaven

We shall be comforted

We shall inherit the earth

We shall be satisfied

We shall receive mercy

We shall see God

We shall be called the sons of God

I believe the Holy Bible is inspired by God! What He says He will give us what He promised great blessings of the Father's grace!!


Dear Jesus, we thank you for your words of blessings and grace. We hunger and thirst for your righteousness and peace. Make your beatitudes be fulfilled in this earth and in our lives...We love you Lord for your words are our life, we ask for your blessings of divine favor to be upon us. Annoint us Jesus with the power of your Holy Spirit we humbly prayer in His matchless name, Amen


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