Day 7 A-Z Writing Challenge

Hello friends, and I pray you all have a great day in Jesus.  Today is day 7 of my writing challenge.   The Word for this day is grace. Grace is defined as the nonrevocable gifts of God's presence.  We find many characters in the Bible even Jesus who was full of grace and walking in it daily...this is for us today as well as the saints of God...

So how do we grow in the grace of Jesus? I believe it has to do with the knowledge of getting to know Him. How do we get to know Him? By talking to Him like we talk to a best friend is the main thing and learning to really listen to His voice. That can be rather difficult at times but it is possible. We have to die to self and what self wants and focus on Jesus.  

Allow Jesus to become your best friend and confidant.  His voice will never lead us astray.  As we come to Jesus each day and get to know him I believe that we grow from grace to grace. Let us tap into that never ending source...that vast supply of the riches of Your grace. 

We long for that inheritance in the saints of God...Bring us into that place of grace where we can intimately know you more than anything else. Please remove any idols that attempt to overshadow Your holy presence.

Dear Jesus help us to get a revelation knowledge of your grace. Please help us to grow in the knowledge of your presence every day. we want to get to know your voice above all others, Speak to us Holy Lamb this day we humbly pray....We allow Your voice to bring us a grace deliverance that we will defeat the enemy in your holy name, Amen


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