A-Z Writing Challenge-Upright-


Good afternoon good people. I hope you are having a very blessed day in Jesus!!  The word for today is upright.  It means to live righteously. Have you ever known a man or women of God who lived in upright life? I known several through the years. 

So what does it mean to live a upright life? To live righteously is to conduct one’s life in a upright or moral way so that our standards reflect our relationship with the Lord Jesus.  You see as a Christian believer we are representatives of the Kingdom of God everywhere we go and whatever we do.

Are we reflecting Jesus to the world?  That means as we spend quality time with Jesus through the Holy Spirit, we represent His presence where ever we go…You see we need to allow ourselves to experience God outside of our prayer closets.  While spending quality time alone with our creator, are we releasing His presence to those around us??   

Are we manifesting the same love and grace to others that we ourselves have experienced?  What about forgiveness?  Are we forgiving others as our Abba has forgiven us?

All of these qualities are possessed by walking upright with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. We are uplifting our morals by submitting yo the holy scriptures from the Holy Bible.  We are taking and possessing the qualities of Jesus Christ in and above all other things on this earth!!!

My dearest Savior Jesus, help me to walk uprightly with you reigning in my heart. Help me to not only spend quality time with you in prayer and studying your word, but allow me tor reflect your holy nature to those I am around everyday. Help me to serve as you served others in spirit and truth by the power of Your Holy Spirit, Amen!!


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