A-Z Writing Challenge - Voice-

 Hello everyone! I hope and pray you have a good day in Jesus. Today is the V day of my A-Z word challenge.  We are going to talk about hearing God’s voice.  

Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if ANYONE HEARS MY VOICE and opens the door, I will come into him, and will dine with him, and he with Me. Revelations 3:20 

We have heard this scripture forever in our Christian existence.  So Jesus is standing at the door knocking. Do you know what He is saying? 

He is speaking something as He is knocking, did you hear what He said to you? To get some context to this singled out verse we need to put it into context with the surrounding verses. So let’s do that! 

First off, He is writing to the church of Laodicea in the book of revelations.  That church has shut Jesus out of their sanctuary!  How many churches has shut the door in the face of Jesus?? So He is talking about the church that has left him out…And you know what He is still seeking entrance to that church. He is standing there and pleading for that church to let him back in but obviously they’re not hearing him. They are not seeing Jesus not hearing His voice!!

I believe that this is a reprove because of verse 19 in chapter. 3 of Revelations says that Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; be zealous therefore and repent.  We need to wake up as the church body and allow Jesus into the doors of His Church. I can imagine Jesus is sad and wants us to repent of our coldness and callousness!!!  I want to plead with you to pray for the church today. I think its is a prevalent thing to leave Jesus out of the services.  

So i see this scripture as a reprove. It is not time to be indifferent about the church and going to church. I know it has flaws and many are not going to church these days. Is it because they are keeping Jesus out??  “He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. Revelations 3:21.  Jesus is pouring out His grace and patiently still speaking and knock at the door. Yes much like He speaks to individual hearts. I believe he stands and knocks at the door of our heart

My dear Jesus forgive the church for leaving you out. Do not allow it to become a place where You are not taking  Your rightful place Lord Jesus. We repent for not doing our part and interceding for the body of Christ. 

Maybe we have been hurt by the church. Help us to not be so offended and get back into that place you designed for us.   We need the church and the church needs us!!! Help us to hear your voice in the writing of this post in Jesus most Holy name, AMEN!!!


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