My Life is a um…BIG MESSAGE

 What is a disciple? Plain and simple it is a "follower of Jesus."   I really believe the Holy Spirit gave me the title of this blog. I do admit I really struggle with this title. I mean really God?!?? I have two failed marriages and two adoptive sons who are adults now who I don't have a relationship with!!! That's nothing but a BIG MESS of CRAP!!!!

How can I possible come alongside someone and to mentor and teach ANYONE the ways and the word of the Lord??? I feel like a MAJOR hypocrite and a failure in so many ways and in so many eyes of people. Folks I've messed up bad!!!! I have made big mistakes. bad choices and not so good decisions.

Can I tell you what God has done though in my life??? The good things and the ways I have grown, and how He has extended His mercy and grace to me!!!! HE has been soooo very good to me despite it all.  He allows me to wake up every morning. Every day is another chance and way to serve Jesus and minister to those around me. I am a walking and talking miracle tesTimony of HIS UNDYING GRACE!!!

I am not defined by my mistakes in GOD'S eyes...He still wants to use me to ministry and disciple those who struggle with mental health issues!!! He has healed me and given me empathy and a desire for ministry  for people that the world has thrown away and put in mental homes and institutions as hopeless cases! Where are they? Where are those who have empathetic hearts for those who who has schizophrenia and MPD, PTSD or depression and anxiety??? 

I can tell you there are many people in my life who have more or less given up on me. They have thrown in the towel and made the decision I am a hopeless case. How I wish they would have mentored and coached me back in the day and discipled me personally in the ways and words of Jesus.  I was very neglected and rejected in the body of Christ.

No one knew back in the day JUST how much I suffered in silence. For some reason, I didn't think there was any help for me. Im here to tell you this day hearers and readers that that person has to step up...You have to step up and show empathy to understand it!!! You have to come alongside a unloveable and broken generation of mentally sick people as Jesus would!! 

Where is Jesus in this day and age of electronics? He is not on a cellphone somewhere texting his besties!!! He so wants to be our hands and feet and eyes and voice in a lost and dying generation going to hell with a cellphone in their hand!!!

As true believers we should be intruments of grace and mercy shining Jesus, speaking Jesus, showing His love and compassionate grace.

I hope my words made you think about poor me and only me...its all about me me me. You know what? its NOT about Richard at all!!! Its about what your not doing for HIS KINGDOM OF GRACE to pour our HIS MERCY AND LOVE!!! Its not about you either but what you are doing for GOD right now!!!

Its about getting out in the trenches and being the hands extended to that hurting brother or sister...that soul needs the encouragement and comfort only Jesus can move through your life to make a change and difference in someone elses like in this day and age of cellphones and the internet.

Jesus I thank you for the opportunity to share your heart its all about your Jesus....and what we are not doing to display YOU in this lost and dying world. Help us teach us to be your disciples. Such a misunderstood and swept under the rug word for this day. I hope this message helps others. Show them the way. I submit my heart and life to you. Help me to be honest to disciple others in your truth and grace. I love you Jesus!!! Thank you. I lift up all my praise to you this day!!! AMEN.


  1. thats a real convicting post for me.. ty for yielding to holy spirit as you wrote that.. i know i have to get away from me me me, so others can see more of HIM..... ty for this message..

    1. Thanks!! It blesses me when I bless others 😃


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