This is Your Kick in the Butt!!!

I had a epiphany earlier.  I was talking earlier to someone earlier who was having a major pity party feeling all sorry for themselves.  They spent and wasted a good 30 minutes of my time. I just listened to them but I really wanted to give them a swift kick in the butt.  Haha. But…I held my tongue.  

It made me think of the times that I had pity parties…with “had” being the operative word.  People had to give me some tough love to help me get me a better perspective…I’ve had a whole lot of verbal butt kickings in my time. They were not good for my wounded ego,  but I can see where they helped me get out of a “rutted” thinking pattern. 

I realized somethings that I want to share.  When we are in a rut feeling sorry for ourselves it only spins our tires for we are still stuck.  We need to stop pushing the gas!! So stop being negative aka gas pedal!!

You also cannot appreciate your blessings when your counting all your negative circumstances going on around you at the moment. When its all you can see you are more than like looking at yourself way too much. Feeling sorry for yourself or having a pity party is a form of selfishness.  It can lead to major depression.  

Counting your blessings could be “the ladder” out of that hole you have dug for yourself…

When we put our blessings out there…a wonderful thing transpires.  It enables us to get our eyes off of us.  Our blessings are miracles in disguise!!   So count them until your perspective changes. 

We all have to carry our crosses no matter what they are.  But we have to get in the mode of putting Jesus and others before ourselves.   We can’t do that if we are stuck on our own circumstances going over and over in our minds!!

What is your cross you may be saying??  Well Remember the serenity prayer? 

That very first phrase…accepting the things you cannot change!  If they can be changed you do not have to accept them.  We just have to work to change them!  There is our cross then…make sense to you now?  We also suffer for the sake of righteousness of Jesus Christ living through our lives.  That is our cross as believers in Him!!

People typically don’t like to be around others who are constantly feeling sorry for themselves.  You might draw flies but you won’t draw people to those kind of parties.  That’s a one man’s show and no man is a island 🏝️ to themselves!!

Jesus please help us not to be so self focused that we do not see you Jesus.  I know that breaks your heart.  Help us to be other’s focused.  In your mighty name we ask and pray, Amen and Amen. 


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