Time to Fight Back…

I owe a debt of gratitude to God my Father for the many ways He has blessed me in the last several years. Jesus has blown my mind... when I did not believe that I deserved even His grace, I know He died on that cross for me and you too. I have no doubt about that now. but in a very weary season I could not hold on to life itself. I didn't care if I lived or died.I felt like a lost cause and a companion of spiritual fogginess enveloped my life that I was barely living.  I thought my future was a certain death.  It seemed during that time period that going to church was not a option. I hated going alone.  I even tried and was shunned because no one understood that I had a mental illness. That made things even worse for me, I did not plan to walk into a church ever again after the devastation I went through during that aweful period.

What I want to share with you is the most amazing thing, deep inside the heart of victory of a champion... and He is Jesus Christ. I believe HE does FIGHT for you when you are weary but I am here to tell you that deep inside you really do care about your soul. You have got to put the devil in His place and make strides in your daily walk with Jesus moving in and through your life. It may seem little and insignificant but I am here to tell you that your life is very important to Jesus. He went to hell and back and got our keys to everlasting life!!!

That was the biggest challenge of my life to learning to fight for the life that I have left on this earth when I didn't see any sign of life within me. I did have to make up my mind that enough is enough. I had to do what I felt like I was supposed to do.

I regret not getting help sooner in life. I made some big blunders and huge mistakes. But you know what?  Jesus still loves me and with his help, he has helped me see that He is never finished with me. The devil is like that though...He wants you to give up....There is some truth to letting go and letting God take control. We all come to that place too, but He never wants us to give up... You can still be a light for people who are in that same dark place that you were in at one time. 

Until the day that you breathe your last breath you still have a life to live for Jesus.  I pray that my words help someone out there who have given up on living to fight for your life while you still have breath in your lungs. Do not throw in the towel...…….you are not a lost cause!! God did not create you to be zombie!!

Jesus will raise you up as you place your life and heart into His hands. He will defend you and send His angels to protect you. Are you not tired of living in defeat and misery?  You don't have to, no one said you have to lay down and die. Get ready for the fighter to rise up within you and resurrect and plant your feet on to higher ground!!!


  1. This is awesome this soooo encouraged me at just the right time..... may God richly bless the author of this..

    1. Thank you whoever you are!💜

  2. This is wonderful, Richard, so encouraging!


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